
Qifan Zhang (张起帆) is now a 4th-year Ph.D. candidate in Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science of University of California, Irvine with focus on Computer Security, advised by Prof. Zhou Li. His research interests include Network Security, especially Domain Name System (DNS), and Machine Learning Security and Privacy. Before that, he received his B.Eng. degree in Computer Science and Technology from ShanghaiTech University in 2020, with an interim summer session in University of California, Berkeley in 2017.

Pronunciation of his name: Chee-Fan Jang.
His Curriculum Vitae (last updated on May 25, 2024)

Recent news

  • Domain Name System (DNS). Qifan is interested in security, privacy and reliability of DNS. In particular, he is interested in automated vulnerability detection with fuzzing techniques [Security'24]. Based on his automated tool, ResolverFuzz, several vital vulnerabilities have been discovered, including protocol security [NDSS'23], implementation assessment [Security'23], etc.
  • Machine Learning Security and Privacy. Qifan is also interested in security and privacy topics related to machine learning. His past research demonstrated model extraction on Autonomous Vehicle using Gradient-Descent based methods [ACSAC'22].
  • Ph.D. in Computer Engineering

    2020 - now

    University of California, Irvine

  • B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology, Minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    2016 - 2020

    ShanghaiTech University

  • Summer Session


    University of California, Berkeley


(2024). FedSecurity: A Benchmark for Attacks and Defenses in Federated Learning and Federated LLMs. In KDD'24 (Acceptance rate: ??.?%).

PDF Cite Code Dataset Project DOI

(2024). ResolverFuzz: Automated Discovery of DNS Resolver Vulnerabilities with Query-Response Fuzzing. In USENIX Security ‘24 (Acceptance rate: ??.?%).

PDF Cite Code Poster Slides

(2023). Kick Bad Guys Out! Zero-Knowledge-Proof-Based Anomaly Detection in Federated Learning. Under submission.


(2023). The Maginot Line: Attacking the Boundary of DNS Caching Protection. In USENIX Security ‘23 (Acceptance rate: 29.2%).

PDF Cite Project Slides

(2023). Ghost Domain Reloaded: Vulnerable Links in Domain Name Delegation and Revocation. In NDSS ‘23 (Acceptance rate: 17.4%).

PDF Cite Project Slides DOI

(2022). Play the Imitation Game: Model Extraction Attack against Autonomous Driving Localization. In ACSAC ‘22 (Acceptance rate: 24.1%).

PDF Cite Slides DOI

(2022). A Comprehensive Study of DNS Operational Issues by Mining DNS Forums. In IEEE Access.


Recent & Upcoming Talks


Awards and Honors

In UC Irvine

  • Associated Graduate Students Conference Stipend (Winter 2024, Fall 2022)
  • 2024 UCI Concerto Competition Winner
  • 2023 ANRW Travel Grant
  • 2022 ACSAC Student Conferenceship
  • Student travel grant for NDSS (2021)
  • Student travel grant for USENIX Security (2021)
  • Student travel grant for IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (2021)

In ShanghaiTech

  • 2020 ShanghaiTech Outstanding Graduate
  • SIST Outstanding Teaching Assistant (2020, 2019, 2018)
  • Merit Student (2018-2019, 2017-2018, 2016-2017)
  • Outstanding Personnel in 2017 Summer Camp


Program Committee

Artifact Evaluation Committee

  • CCS: 2024, 2023
  • USENIX Security: 2024
  • NDSS: 2024

External Reviewer

  • Conferences:
    • NDSS: 2025, 2023, 2022, 2021
    • SecureComm: 2023
    • AsiaCCS: 2022, 2021
  • Journals:
    • IEEE Internet of Things (IEEE IoT)
    • IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC)
    • Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
    • High-Confidence Computing
    • PeerJ Computer Science


In UC Irvine

  • EECS 40 (F23, F22): Objected Oriented Systen and Programming (#students: 90/95)

In ShanghaiTech

  • SI 100C (F17): Introduction to Computer Science and Technology (#students: 127)
  • CS 100 (F18): Programming (#students: 243)
  • CS 277 (F19): Introduction to Data Science and FinTech (#students: 23)
  • (core TA) SI 100B (S18, S19, S20): Introduction to Information Science and Technology (#students: 203/174/410)

Classical Music

Qifan Zhang is also a crazy fan of classical music. Since the age of 7, Qifan starts to learn the clarinet under the supervision of Prof. Xie Jingquan, Prof. Tian Yaohui and Prof. Wang Zhenxian from Nanjing University of Arts. After he came to the United States, he is honored to follow the instruction of Prof. Boris Allakhverdyan, principal clarinetist of Los Angeles Philharmonic as well as faculty member of Herb Alpert School of Music, University of California, Los Angeles.

Many thanks to Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Pope and Prof. Emeriti Dr. Stephen Tucker, he has been appointed as the principal clarinetist of UCI Symphony Orchestra, Department of Music since 2020.

In Feb 2024, Qifan won 2024 UCI Concerto Competition.

List of selected performance recordings:

Copyright of the headshot photo is reserved by UC Regents for UCI Connect. You could find a short interview of me here.

Every serious classical clarinetist will own both a B-flat and an A clarinet.